by M. Gonçalves | Oct 1, 2016 | Trends |
How and when can a woman wear an oxford shoe? In January, the fashion magazine InStyle, has written as interesting article about how the woman could wear the oxford shoes. The artice has the title “Street Style Stars Are Loving Oxford Shoes! Here’s How to...
by M. Gonçalves | May 14, 2016 | Trends |
The Sharing Economy is already a reality, to share a car like on Uber or our house as on Airbnb, jewels or even a wedding’s dress, is already normal to find on the Web and most of them, are already a huge business. But, what about men’s dress shoes? As I...
by A. Manuel | May 1, 2016 | Company news, Trends |
According Brostick research, here we show some models considered, the best men’s dress shoes, for Spring 2016. Most of these models, are already being producing by us, and are available to the interested customers. Below you have the model of Wingtip Brogues,...